For the second consecutive year, Séguin Sport, with his team, has earned the five stars distinction, YAMAHA highest’s for service and product knowledge. This prestigious award is given to a select group of dealers who are committed to provide an unparalleled experience to their customers at the time of the sale and meeting. Only a few dealers YAMAHA get this coveted title.
Meet us February 2, 2014 at Vankleek Hill fairgrounds (93 main sreet) for the rally and speed trials of antique snowmobiles. This is an annual gathering of snowmobile enthusiasts that loves to meet with their snowmobiles and take the opportunity to showcase their best new or antique snowmobiles! This is a great opportunity to try a snowmobile for the first time. This community event offers an excellent dinner at the Vankleek Hill Fairgrounds from 12:00 to 1:30
On February 22, 2014 in St-Eugene will be held the snowmobiles drag. Come and meet us!